Friday, May 25, 2007

Still getting back to work

My second week of vacation kept me moving. On Monday I went with my pastor, down state to Pompano Beach. He had a fish to pick up at a taxidermist. It was a nice fish, about 44 inches long. Wednesday found me flying to San Francisco. I was with my Rochelle and put her on a plane for Seoul, Korea. She is meeting her sister there and is staying till they all come back in June. Thursday I flew to Kansas City and spent the weekend with my parents and brothers and sisters. Dad took us on a tour of central Missouri and showed us where our ancestors are buried.
We were in Clinton, Deepwater, Calhoun, and Kings Prairie. I did not have my wife's camera with me or I would have taken some pictures.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Back to Work

Well I took two weeks off work for vacation. The first week I spent at home and helped my father in law work on our dock. We had some bad weather a few years ago and it left our dock looking like this. As you can see there is no dock left.

We had our work cut out for us. The first thing we did was replace the actual dock. Then the bulkhead needed some work. Well maybe more than SOME work. It needed to be replaced. We got to work and decided we would put in a vinyl bulkhead this time instead of wood. We got the materials together and hired a couple of guys and got to work. As you can see a lot of work has gone into the job. When we get done I will give you some pictures of the finished job. Here are some of the benefits of having the dock. This was a little one. We did have some problems while we were working on the dock. You may have heard of the fires in southern Georiga and in north Florida. We got some smoke from those fires and had to quit working for a couple of days. This shows smoke in the air not clouds. The fires were about 70 miles away.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I am back

I have been trying for a while to get back on my blog but had forgotten the password. I finally took the time to research the way to retrieve it. I am now back. I have been introduced by my daughter, Rochelle, to a website where you can play chess on line. If you play chess and would like to challenge me to a game I play under the name rick61355. I will try to keep this up a little better. At least once a week. I am starting two weeks of vacation and have some big things coming up in the near future that some may want to hear about. A good friend on mine just started his own blog page. His name is Jim Koerts. Click on his name to check it out.
That is all I have for now. Have a good day.