A Long Time
It has been almost a month since I last typed anything in here. Since then the chiefs lost in the first round of the playoffs and the Florida Gators won the College National Championship.

I have been at home for most of the month of January with only a short trip to Orlando and one to Marianna, FL. Last week we had revival services in our church. The evangelist name was Will
Galkin. He was very good. On Friday after church some of the men got together and played basketball. I forgot I was in my 50's and out of shape and went to play. On Saturday I was so sore it was difficult to move about. Most of the men there were in their 20's or 30's. I did enjoy myself.
My father in law will be home on Saturday. He has been in VA staying with his brother. His brother had shoulder replacement surgery. He has just about recovered and doesn't need help anymore so Ralph is headed home. He had told all his doctors that he would not be home during the month of January so they held off on any appointments which means next week he has 5 doctor appointments. The end of next week Sharon and I are going to Chattanooga for the company's annual managers meeting.
Mom and I are spending the evening sitting in front of the fireplace just enjoying its warmth on a cool Florida winter night. It has been very pleasent just relaxing here.
Well that is about it for now. I will try to write a little more often in the future.