Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sermons and football; must be Sunday

Went to church in Ontario at the Montecito Baptist Church. This is a church of mostly Hispanic people. They run about 1600 on Sundays. The service is in Spanish so the annoucements and the song service were hard to understand. This week they had a guest speaker. The president of Hyles-Anderson College spoke and the pastor had to translate for the members that do not speak english. His sermon was from Proverbs 6:16-19. He related the seven deadly sins to Matt 22:37-40 where it talks about our love to God and our neighbors. Each of these sins is a result of us putting ourselves before others. If we could learn to put others first we would be more what God wants us to be. After church I went to lunch with the Pastor Salazar and Bro. Young.

After lunch I got to my hotel room in time to listen to the last half of the Chiefs game on my laptop. They were losing 10-20 to Arizona when I first got online. In the 4th quater they managed to pull out a victory 23-20.

Meanwhile the Jaguars where busy squeaking out a victory of their own. They beat the New York Jets 41-0.


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